This is my story

My photo
This was started when I was saved by my foster parents from being put to sleep when I was pregnant. Now all my puppies and myself have homes, Snowy is going to keep the post alive with updates!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

addierachel asked:  I'm very happy that Ruffed Up Rescue and your foster humans got to you in time! (: I'm local to the Gastonia/Charlotte area and I would like to adopt soon! Wishing you and your puppies well

Wow! Thank you! Me too! I was pretty scared. Is that you in your picture? You look very kind. Are you looking to adopt one of my puppies or another kind? You know… The humans — Ruffed Up Rescue— They have LOTS of dogs to choose from. Even older puppies. Myself and my puppies won’t be ready until the new year, but if your considering me or my litter I was told you can have everything done before we are ready so you get 1st pick! How cool!!!

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