This is my story

My photo
This was started when I was saved by my foster parents from being put to sleep when I was pregnant. Now all my puppies and myself have homes, Snowy is going to keep the post alive with updates!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Patches goes to Petsmart

Hey there! Patches here! What a story I have for YOU today!!!

My day started with a bath... it was warm so I really didn't mind. I didn't know what was going to happen after that, but I DO know that every time one of us gets a bath by ourselves they disappear and never come back! I hope nothing bad happens to them, but there's talk in the pen that it's not good. I'll find out today though...yah... I'm a little scared, but my humans are with me so I think it'll be different than the rest of the pups as they don't leave with my humans.

So here I am... kinda cold outside but tucked into my humans jacket, we go to a bunch of places with really interesting smells. Then I have to go potty... bad.. I wriggle in my humans arms to let her know and thankfully she's smart and knows I have to go. She puts me down on some fantastic smelling grass and whats this??? **SNIFF** Mmmmmm..... Tasty (it was a french fry) and another!!! Wait! Wait! Wait!! My human took it out of my mouth!!! Awwwww... It's soooo good. Drat. I piddled and we went back to where we were before.

After a long drive I fell asleep for a while and then we were HERE!

This place smelled like... like WOW! So many different dogs! I was so excited I accidentally piddled a little in my humans arms. (Sorry) So many other humans too! They were all over the place. I have never seen so many, and little humans too. They all smelled so different. I was good and didn't wriggle too much, but the smells were amazing I couldn't help it for a while. After a little I got used to it and my humans took me to see something I have never seen before... Hmmm... they smell neat, but I'm not really sure what they are. They make noise like the things that fly outside, but they are inside. Hmmph.. oh well... next please...

 I didn't get to walk on my own because I didn't have what all the other dogs had around their necks and then is attached to their humans. I wonder what that is... They don't seem to mind. Where's mine I wonder? Am I supposed to have that too? The photo below is like what I saw on them...sort of. This one is attached to her back, but I think you get the idea. I was told this breed could be what my daddy was. She is a purebred Pointer and she wasn't feeling good. She told me she was hit by a fast machine while she was out migrating, and then her back leg hurt really bad, She crawled into a hole to cry, but humans found her and are making her feel much better. We chatted for a while longer and she said that things will be OK for her, and for me not to be afraid of anything. (I AM brave you know) She also said that I look like her a little and if i have her breed in me, then I will be very smart and should stay out of the place where the big fast machines go. That's where she got hurt ya know. I licked her on her nose and we went away and left her with her humans. She was nice.

So we wandered around this really big place again and I was getting hot. I needed some water... Good thing my humans are observant that I was getting pink on my head. They found water for me and I had just a little, I didn't want to have an accident again. So THEN.... after THAT... we came to this place!

LOOK WHAT I HAVE!!!!! I have what all the other dogs had around their necks! I don't know what it's called, but it's kinda itchy. My humans put so many on me until they found this one. Yes... I'm pretty now. Other humans won't think I'm a HE. I love it! This is where the other puppies must go, but I didn't see any of them here. Maybe they already left.

So you think this is it? NOPE! I have more to tell. yes there's MORE! hehehehe... I said it was a good story.

So we walk around some more and I get petted a lot by so many kinds of humans. I wag my tail and lick their fingers (but don't bite.. that's a no no) I love all this attention! Everyone has a smile on their faces and are really happy to pat me. I am too! Then we go to this other human and she's in a box like what I have at my home... she's nice and my human puts me on the top of her box and shows me a bowl like what I have at home... Whats this? **Sniff** Ooooohh! This is new... there's just one in here, but **crunch** it's **crunch** really **crunch, crunch** really tasty. **crunch, crunch, crunch**
So I think that's all... We leave and get back in the truck. I'm sooo thankful for a familiar smell... I'm sooo sleepy. I was awake for a really long time. I think it's time for a nap with my new thing. Good night, and thank you for reading all about my adventure today!

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