This is my story

My photo
This was started when I was saved by my foster parents from being put to sleep when I was pregnant. Now all my puppies and myself have homes, Snowy is going to keep the post alive with updates!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Anonymous asked: Zoe, This is Kathy Cole with the animal league of gaston county, Hello! That Ruffed Up Rescue gal really knows the doggies that are in the most need! Glad she found you! What do you need most right now before your babies are born?

Hello Kathy! Yes, I was told that everyone at Ruffed Up Rescue found me just in time! I think my human has everything for me for now, they give me plenty of high protein food and treats, and they have a stack of towels next to my box for when I give birth. She did say I have tape worms from a flea I ate a few weeks before someone found me. She saw them in my #2 … How embarrasing…  They tell me I need medicine for me and my babies after they are born to make them go away and for everyone to gain weight.
Other than that, I’m being taken care of very well. They were expecting me I think and have lots of doggy stuff!

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